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Meet Mrs.O'Leary, the Principal

at MPM.  She is a huge supporter of the Do Happy Project and we are proud to have MPM as our launching school site!  Much gratitude for your support!!  We are SO excited to be able to continue into YEAR TWO with the MPM community and help support a whole new group of kids!

Do Happy Coaches

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Meet Ms. Faro. a Second grade teacher at Collin's Elementary School in Livingston, NJ.  She knows how to

Do Happy everyday!  Ms. Faro is our first, and one of our most dedicated Do Happy Coaches.  She is eager to help 2021-2022 school year be the best year yet!



Do Happy Ambassadors

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Meet Alli R., a Sixth Grader in Livingston NJ.

Alli knows how to Do Happy

and shares that mission with her classmates...and her dog Winston since she was in THIRD GRADE!

Meet Ms Lara Moskowitz, a kindergarten teacher at the Burnett Hill Elementary School.  Ms Moskowitz learned about the Do Happy Project and collaborated to bring a special author reading for the ABC Do Happy with Me book in May 2021.  We look forward to doing more "happy'" together again this year!

Want to bring the Do Happy Project to YOUR school?

Want learn how you can be a part of our growing team?

Click below

Do Happy

Certified Schools

Meet Mrs. Michelle Cebula, principal at

Collins Elemtary School in Livingston, NJ.  Mrs. Cebula is so excited to share her passion for our program that the theme for the ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR is our mantra to DO HAPPY! We can't wait for the 2021-2022 

school year together!!

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